Dear Santa Clarans,
I'd like to thank the many Santa Clarans who visited new candidates' tables at the Santa Clara Art and Wine Festival. Meeting new people and connecting with old friends was a welcome delight for me, and I know that the candidates we support enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you all.
We think our platform is clear:
- Santa Clara Councilmembers responsive to Santa Clarans, not to developer dollars or Niner Bucks.
- Santa Clara Unified Trustees standing for academic excellence and resisting political pressures out of City Hall and monied interests.
But will you help us get the word out?
The most important way we can reach voters between now and Election Day is by walking the voting precincts of Santa Clara. Volunteers are already out there, and they're not politicians or pretend-consultants - they're your neighbors and your friends.
If you'll provide your time, we'll provide the materials, the training and the partners. Just contact us at:
...and let us know when you are available to walk for Chris Koltermann, Michael Helms, Kevin Park, Karen Hardy and Deborah Bress.
I'm walking myself, and I'll look forward to joining you these next several weeks.
Thank you for volunteering - and as always, for all of your support,
William F. "Bill" Bailey, Treasurer,
Please visit our blogs at:
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
--- Mahatma Ghandhi
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