Monday, March 21, 2011

49ers Stadium Subsidy: "Parking" $4.5M of RDA Funds

Dear Santa Clarans,

"Thank you" to the public-spirited residents who spoke in this evening's Special Meetings of the RDA and the Stadium Authority. We got the meeting materials less than 90 minutes before those two meetings – so, not a bad turnout.

We didn't win, but Councilmembers Kennedy and McLeod stood up for this very important principle: Let's not give public money to a private corporation with no signed development agreement - and with no guarantees from the San Francisco 49ers themselves. However, the vote still went 5-2 in favor of the 49ers Stadium Raid.

Summary: The "stadium boosters" on the Council are claiming that Measure J licenses them to do this - to essentially "park" RDA cash in the accounts of a private business to keep it out of the hands of the Governor. We call it "RDA Keepaway."

The rationalization? Sell the $4.5 million as being "only" for "make-ready" infrastructure - sidewalks, driveway cuts, paving, piping - which we "claim" we would do even if the stadium deal were to fall through.

You can drive a cement mixer through that argument: One doesn't need to hide funds with a third party to buy fire hydrants for Tasman Drive.

Footnote: Those meeting materials, by the way, included letters from the public on this $4.5 million giveaway - and of the 54 distinct responses I found, all 54 were AGAINST the handing over of public money to the (very) private 49ers. See here (click POST MEETING, see pages 26-96).

Thank you - everyone - for all of your support.

Bill Bailey, Treasurer,
Santa Clara Plays Fair


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