For us, that's not the real story.
That's public debt, and it's public money.
Why are they not paying the 53% they told us when we went to the polls last June?
Demand more from the San Francisco 49ers.
Bill Bailey, Treasurer
Posted by
10:43 AM
Dear Santa Clarans,
From Friday evening, you were given 96 hours to review the 421-page Draft DDA on the City's website. We've gone through it as thoroughly as we can. It's complex, but an analogy might help clear the air about what it really means:
You've engaged a partner to help build a new home. Your business partner controls nearly all of the negotiations with the architect and the General Contractor, so your partner's design demands come first.
You also thought that you and your partner were going roughly "halves" on the total construction cost of $937,000.00, with $444,000 down to you and $493,000 down to your partner.
You now learn that the cost to build is now a million and change.
Worse, at the eleventh hour, your partner is shoving much more of his cost onto your $444,000 line of credit. He has the unmitigated gall to tell you that, since he doesn't drive, and because he eats out and shaves at work, he isn't going to pay for the construction of the home's garage, kitchen or bathrooms.
So, after four years of dickering, your partner says that he's only liable for $152,000 of the cost of a $1,020,000 new home. He expects you to pay the other $850,000 - and he still expects to take 30-minute showers, set the thermostat to 78 degrees and use your microwave oven and flat-panel TV.
Sound bad? It gets worse: Multiply the dollar amounts above by 1,000 and that is exactly what the San Francisco 49ers are doing to us right now. What the 49ers are saying is, "We'll pay for the locker rooms and our
Team Store - but we don't use the rest, so we're not going to pay for it."
We must have missed something. The 49ers will take well over $130,000,000 out of that whole stadium every year - but they won't pay for the bleachers, seats or club lounges that paying fans will be using? Consider the billions they will gross from a stadium we're paying for, and then ask yourself why the total net present value (NPV) of their payments over forty years into our city's General Fund remains at a mere $8 million.
What's even more pathetic than the lousy $8 million: The five 49ers' Stadium Boosters on our elected City Council actually give every indication that they're going to agree to the 49ers' outlandish "cafeteria-style" financing - even though it's much worse than the 49ers' own Measure J from last June.
It should be clear now why the 49ers' "J" put no limit of any kind on Santa Clara Stadium Authority debt.
Santa Clarans, please demand more. See the SCPF homepage for details on the Study Sessions this Tuesday and Thursday - and for contact information for Mayor Matthews and the City Council. It is vital that you make your views on the massive stadium subsidy known.
Especially since that subsidy has more than doubled in eighteen months.
Not even Measure J justifies that.
Thanks for all of your support,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer
Posted by
11:02 PM
Posted by
12:47 AM
Posted by
11:34 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
This writer asked at the July 5 meeting of the City Council and Agencies that any dollar amounts taken in by the Santa Clara Stadium Authority in the sale of stadium Personal Seat Licenses, or PSLs, be public information. Santa Clarans in Chambers that evening, plus television viewers on Channel 15, were told by City Staff that this is confidential information - even though those PSLs are being sold by a Santa Clara City Agency and not by the 49ers.
Some months ago, I asked in Chambers that the dollar amounts actually committed to in any Letters of Intent for the parking overlay on private lots be disclosed publicly. Santa Clarans were denied that information also. But what was most disturbing on that occasion was that we were refused not by our own City Staff, but by Lisa Lang, VP of Communications for the San Francisco 49ers - who had no business even speaking for the Stadium Authority.
A few weeks ago, CalAware petitioned City Hall for the release of the public safety report for gameday security in a billion-dollar-stadium paid for mostly by us.
And they were refused.
Posted by
2:16 PM
Posted by
12:12 AM
Posted by
3:27 PM
Posted by
11:43 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
This Tuesday evening, the Stadium Boosters on our City Council will probably cave in - again - on the 49ers stadium subsidy.
It's likely that they'll agree to pay 10% of the North-of-Bayshore's property tax increment to Sacramento, year after year. That's after paying Sacramento $11.2 million dollars upfront. The City's own Council Agenda REPORT is here.
Terribly sorry. But this is the price of keeping the RDA alive so that it can continue to subsidize the San Francisco 49ers.
A short background: On June 7th, we were told that the RDA could not afford to write stadium subsidy bonds, but that it would have to borrow cash from the 49ers themselves at a much higher rate of interest. On June 14th, the city's Fiscal Year Budget for 2011-12 was approved, and it was admitted then that Redevelopment Agency property tax increment would probably be 8-3/4% less this year than last.
The issue documents for the RDA's 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds paint a more serious picture than that: Our RDA will collect approximately ten percent less in tax increment in the coming year than it did last year. So, you may expect $27 million in property tax revenues - not $30 million.
Now, we hear that 10% of $27 million, or $2.7 million PER YEAR, EVERY YEAR, is now payable directly to Sacramento, an unprecedented redirection of local property tax money. This is being done simply so that the Stadium Boosters in our city can continue to pile stadium debt on both the RDA, and in particular, on the Santa Clara Stadium Authority.
If someone had told me five years ago that our city would reach a point at which real property taxes would go out the door to Sacramento - simply so that our city's Agencies could then assume hundreds of millions of dollars in debt for a millionaire's football palace - I simply would not have believed him. No City Council, and no Redevelopment Agency, I would have replied, would ever lose that much perspective over the mere bragging rights to an NFL stadium.
That, however, is exactly where we are likely to be after Tuesday evening's City Council Meeting.
Please note that this is precisely the loss of RDA funds to Sacramento that the Stadium Boosters told us that Measure J would prevent.
Santa Clarans, please speak out. Speak up. Tell the City Council how wrong they really are on this issue.
All the best, and thank you for your ongoing support,
William F. "Bill" Bailey, Treasurer,
A fragment from the Agenda Report linked above:
"To fund the initial year remittance of $11,151,131 the following fund sources are available:
Posted by
9:37 PM
Posted by
6:01 PM
Posted by
12:14 AM
Posted by
12:57 AM
Dear Santa Clarans,
We link to Neil deMause's "Field of Schemes" website from our homepage because the guy really gets it. Today, with this essay, he proved that once again.
You'll see some brief but straight-on-point paragraphs on the inane waste of public money that goes into sports palaces - and the illogical thought processes of journalists and Councilmembers who think they understand the issue but who really don't:
Posted by
5:05 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
On April 19th, the City Council, Joint Financing Authority and Redevelopment Agency approved the sale of bonds for ten-some "refurbishment" projects in our city's North of Bayshore Redevelopment Area. It's anticipated that this bond sale will raise up to $35 million, and that at minimum, $25 million will go toward fixing stuff up - but that any remainder will go directly to subsidize the San Francisco 49ers.
You can see all of that here by clicking on "POST MEETING MATERIAL." The "refurbishment" means just that. NO new projects are in fact being constructed.
In fact, you'll find in this "carve-out" an unspecified sum for the "refurbishment" of a North Side Library not even yet built! The cost of building the North Side Library itself will be an additional $19.7 million. Not one shovel has turned any dirt for that Library, for the reason that our City's General Fund cannot afford the approximately $800K to $1M every year it will cost to pay librarians and to put books on its shelves.
In other words: There's enough in our General Fund to suffer $67 million in losses over time in order to subsidize the San Francisco 49ers - but not enough to hire a Trainer for our Senior Center and not enough for a fireworks display in Central Park this 4th of July (voted down at this same City Council meeting, in fact). There's not enough money to pay any additional Librarians - or to keep our Central Library open for the 64 hours a week it was open only one fiscal year ago.
Just as troubling: On April 19th, one of the bond consultants for the city acknowledged verbally that the 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds are being serviced at a cost to the RDA of about 5% per year - but that the 2011 'Refurbishment and Stadium Subsidy' Bonds will have a cap of 8.5%. This greatly increases our debt service costs - either to the RDA or to any successor Agency. That candid admission didn't make it into any of the written records I've examined.
In fact, this rather begs the question of what our Santa Clara Stadium Authority will face when it issues nearly four times this face amount in bonds. Some $120M to $150M in Stadium Authority paper must not only be insured - it will not even be tax-exempt.
We better pray that the 49ers get us some decent Naming Rights proceeds, even as they violate their own Term Sheet by doing so. In particular, we better pray that every last one of those Personal Seat Licenses, or PSLs, gets sold... $5,000 to $20,000 apiece, by the way. Can you hear us, "stadium boosters"?
Anyway you slice it: Forty-Niners' stadium debt, paid for by Santa Clarans through their Agencies, is going to be a killer.
Thanks for your ongoing support,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer
Posted by
2:08 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
Open up the stadium's Term Sheet and note from the last line of Section 7.3(b) on page 10:
Posted by
8:24 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
Item 7C2 from Tuesday evening's Consent Calendar got pulled for discussion. Sounds innocuous - but it actually lit up the night sky, if only briefly.
City Staff informs that it will be virtually impossible for our city to have a fireworks display at Central Park this July 4th. Not only do we not have the $65,000 it will cost, we don't even have the City Staff to supervise and conduct it.
Click the icon here for the details.
Boosters of the San Francisco 49ers' stadium subsidy have made this quite clear: It's OK for our RDA (what's left of it) to abolish its own debt deadline to subsidize the stadium, causing our city's General Fund to lose a nominal $19,500,000 over time. (See table, last page.)
But we can't afford $65,000 from that same General Fund for fireworks this year?
If these are truly the priorities of the "stadium boosters," maybe it's time for "fireworks" of a different sort.
When speaking of fiscal responsibility in Santa Clara, it ALL goes on the table - the subsidy for the San Francisco 49ers as well as our General Fund's ongoing spending patterns. Anyone trying to attack one and not the other is simply not giving Santa Clarans the whole story.
You as residents of Santa Clara can help put that discussion back in perspective. Please get involved. Contact the Mayor and City Council and tell them what you think.
Look upon it as another sort of "red glare."
Thanks and regards,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer,
Santa Clara Plays Fair
Posted by
2:07 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
"Thank you" to the public-spirited residents who spoke in this evening's Special Meetings of the RDA and the Stadium Authority. We got the meeting materials less than 90 minutes before those two meetings – so, not a bad turnout.
We didn't win, but Councilmembers Kennedy and McLeod stood up for this very important principle: Let's not give public money to a private corporation with no signed development agreement - and with no guarantees from the San Francisco 49ers themselves. However, the vote still went 5-2 in favor of the 49ers Stadium Raid.
Summary: The "stadium boosters" on the Council are claiming that Measure J licenses them to do this - to essentially "park" RDA cash in the accounts of a private business to keep it out of the hands of the Governor. We call it "RDA Keepaway."
The rationalization? Sell the $4.5 million as being "only" for "make-ready" infrastructure - sidewalks, driveway cuts, paving, piping - which we "claim" we would do even if the stadium deal were to fall through.
You can drive a cement mixer through that argument: One doesn't need to hide funds with a third party to buy fire hydrants for Tasman Drive.
Footnote: Those meeting materials, by the way, included letters from the public on this $4.5 million giveaway - and of the 54 distinct responses I found, all 54 were AGAINST the handing over of public money to the (very) private 49ers. See here (click POST MEETING, see pages 26-96).
Thank you - everyone - for all of your support.
Bill Bailey, Treasurer,
Santa Clara Plays Fair
Posted by
11:58 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
Please see the Mercury News' coverage of the Special Meeting of our RDA and Stadium Authority to be held on Monday evening:
Santa Clara's next idea to keep stadium money from state: Give it to 49ers
Do we understand this correctly? Our RDA - identically our City Council - is going to take $4.5 million in RDA cash and hand it to a stadium developer which just locked out their own NFL Players and which has not even come up with its OWN financing for the stadium?
In the bitterest of divorce actions, one spouse desperately moves assets around to conceal them from the other spouse's lawyer. Here, we're handing RDA cash over to the San Francisco 49ers simply in order to keep it out of the hands of Governor Brown.
Not only that: The Mayor himself informs that we cannot even view the text of the motion for Monday evening until Monday morning at the earliest. That's not open government, no matter what rationalization the "stadium boosters" on the Council are using this week.
If you can make it to City Hall at 7:00 pm on Monday evening, March 21st, please come and watch your city government in action.
Thanks for all of your support,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer,
Santa Clara Plays Fair
Posted by
12:57 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
The promise: The General Fund of the City of Santa Clara will take NO hits - directly or indirectly - due to the 49ers' stadium subsidy.
This evening in Chambers, "stadium boosters" - on the City Council and off - become very uncomfortable addressing that broken promise, but it's still an inconvenient fact:
Posted by
10:28 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
On Wednesday, Tom Barnidge of the Contra Costa Times did an excellent job of covering the RDA extension which passed First Reading by our City Council on Tuesday evening:
Common sense takes a beating with redevelopment funding
"...So maybe this is not a simple yea-or-nay issue. Maybe cutbacks and reforms can reinvent redevelopment. But there's no way California should give $40 million to the 49ers."
Schools? Or stadium subsidies? As a city, we can't have lost that much perspective on this one issue.
Common sense got sacked like Alex Smith this last Tuesday evening - and so did a promise our Council made to us much earlier.
Best regards,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer,
Santa Clara Plays Fair
Posted by
4:28 PM
Dear Santa Clarans,
Last night, City Council voted to accept the First Reading of the RDA Extension. By doing that, they confirmed that they were breaking a promise that they made to all Santa Clarans four years ago.
Back in January of 2007, Council was very clear. They approved, unanimously, the Guiding Principles for the 49ers' stadium subsidy. The very first one was a pledge to us that the stadium subsidy was not going to impact our General Fund, directly or indirectly. See page 4/4, Guiding Principle "1."
Yet, last night, Council voted to bleed $20,000,000 out of our city's General Fund over the new RDA lifetime. Click the little icon here, and see page 15/15.
Note the "($19.5)" (MILLION) in the lower half of the table after "City of Santa Clara." That is what our General Fund loses, and those are real dollars.
But this isn't news to anyone, is it? We saw this same table on the evening of June 2, 2009, when the Term Sheet was presented - but only at that meeting, and after the news cameras were switched off. The General Fund ripoff was quietly buried.
Santa Clarans, we are not getting the whole story on the $444M 49ers' Stadium Subsidy, and certainly not on what it is really going to cost us as a city.
We may want to prepare ourselves for even more broken promises.
The Public Hearing on this SB 211 amendment, or RDA Extension, will be held on Tuesday evening, March 15th, in Chambers at 7:00 pm.
Can you make it?
Thanks for all of your support,
Bill Bailey, Treasurer
Santa Clara Plays Fair
Posted by
12:09 PM